Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lime Seared Tuna with Wasabi Cilantro Drizzle

Wow! Coming back from the west coast has inspired me once again! I spent the afternoon putting the finishing touches on the manuscript for Superb Maine Soups. It set my mind to percolating. I saw some beautiful tuna steaks at the market and one thing led to another. Back at home in the kitchen this recipe evolved to a delightful conclusion. Sherwood almost licked his plate clean. I love it when that happens. Hope you enjoy it too.
Wasabi Cilantro Drizzle
2 teaspoons prepared wasabi paste- or more to taste
juice of half a lime
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons finely chopped cilantro
2 teaspoons pure maple syrup
3/4 cup plain whole milk Greek yogurt
Whisk all ingredients together. Chill until ready to serve. The maple syrup reduces the tang of the yogurt. If you like the tangy-ness you can omit the syrup.

Lime Seared Tuna
Marinate two tuna steaks in the juice of half a lime. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. Let sit for half an hour. Turn them a couple of times or marinate them in a ziploc bag. Heat your pan til it's very hot. Drizzle with olive oil and add a little pat of butter. Place the tuna in the pan carefully. Sear the tuna on all sides just until it's slightly caramelized but rare. Drape with the wasabi cilantro drizzle and serve immediately.

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